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Geospatial Analysis: Unequal Opportunities

Integrating several analysis methods, our team sought to determine if the opportunity to get a good education is equally accessible to all Singaporeans. Our team focused on 2 broad concepts of accessibilty - Economic and Geographic. We then developed different metrics to quanitfy them for analysis.

Economic Accessibility
Our team developed 2 different maps. The first is a density map of public and private housing estates. The next is a visualization of the 1KM buffer from “elite” Primary Schools. We then overlaid these 2 maps, producing a third, validating the tendency for “elite” Primary Schools to reside in areas with a high density of private properties.

Geographic Accessibility
1. Comparing student densities against the geographical distribution of “elite” Primary Schools.

2. Geographic Accessibility Ratio (GAR) - ratio of the number of “elite” Primary Schools to the size of the student population in the region. A high GAR indicates lower geographic accessibility since each school must accommodate more students. Conversely, a low GAR means higher geographic accessibility as each school needs to accommodate lesser students.

Economic Accessibility Definition.png
GA Definition.png
Group 6 - Unequal opportunities (5).png
Density vs Dsitribution of Schools.png
Group 6 - Unequal opportunities (10).png
Group 6 - Unequal opportunities (9).png
Within 1km.png
Implication of Findings.png
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