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Design Thinking: The Sandwich Generation

This year long partnership with the Prime Minister's Office saw us creating positive impact for citizens in Singapore. More specifically, our team was tasked to identify key social problems faced by the “sandwich” generation. We were also tasked to go ideate a solution to alleviate these pain points.

The first half of the project saw us diving deep into ethnographic research, where we employed various tools to better understand our stakeholder. Our team conducted deep user interviews, user shadowing, user journaling and inisghts mining for our primary research. Secondary reseach techniques include conducting a STEEP analysis on the current social climate in Singapore from the perspective of our stakeholder. Our ethnographic research manifested in the form of a user persona and user journey, where we were able to understand and communicate these needs clearly.


The second half of the project saw us engaging deeply in the ideation and co-creation processes, converging towards a brand and marketing campaign targeted at the heartlands of Singapore.

Primary research.png
Co-creation Location.png
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